Sunday, August 19, 2012

Back to my reality

I am leaving here in about an hour. My heart hurts. This mini vacation was so needed for my sanity and I had to see my doctor, of course. But it has been so relaxing and filled me up with peace and tranquility that I haven't known in weeks.

Being with my family was wonderful, and they have been so great. Being around my son has soothed the ache I feel and have been feeling. Being able to hold him, talk to him and absorb every single thing that's been lacking because he has been away starting his adventure tomorrow in college. As I leave, as it is with all my children, I leave a part of my heart here with him. My children are like pieces of my heart and soul walking around the world and they are the balm to any pain I have, mild or severe. It is so surreal to see my eldest walking around, a full man. A good man at that. A good person with a heart of gold.

I am waiting for his girlfriend to arrive from her drive from her college because he wants me to meet her. Which I am happy to oblige, and then  I will head off back to my house. Empty. Pieces of my heart scattered across the state. And the pieces that are in my body, broken and tattered.

Please, my dearest children, know you are the loves of my life, and while the moments together are fleeting the feeling never waivers, never surrenders and is steadfast.

I love you all so very much. So very much.

I know this post isn't eloquent nor poetic, but there was no editing, no planning - just a mother speaking from her heart.

And much love to you all.

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